Refund & Cancellation Policy

If you would like to cancel an order you have made, please e-mail

Refund & Cancellation Policy

If you would like to cancel an order you have made, please e-mail within 12 hours of placing your order. Refunds will be made back to the payment solution used initially by the customer.

Please allow for up to 10-45 days for the refund transfer to be completed, depending on the issuing bank of the credit card. If the delivery has already been shipped and you wish to cancel the order, we, unfortunately, will not be able to provide a refund.

Please reach out to in any of the below instances in order to arrange a replacement or return:

  • The wrong product was sent by us.
  • The product is defective in quality.
  • The product was damaged in shipping.

We accept returns within 7 days of receipt in the above circumstances. In such instances, we will endeavour to send you another or refund the payment. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse any returned shipments.